Errata to

Halpin, T., Evans, K., Hallock, P., & MacLean, B. 2003,

Database Modeling with Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects

(Morgan Kaufmann: San Francisco).


Last updated: 2004 December 27




The symbol �� means �is replaced by�. Thanks to Scott Baldwin, James Rowland-Jones, Maria Rutgers, Dan Woodward, and Tim Williams for collectively spotting most of these errors. If you spot any other errors, please e-mail them to me at [email protected].



Corrections to First Printing


p. iii:

�Perpetual Data Systems� �Independent Consultant�

�Orthogonal Software Corporation� �SIMDEX�.


p. ix: �Glossary and ORM Notation� �Glossary and Modeling Notations�


p. 9, para. 2, line 3: �in represent� �in Figure 1-2 represent�.


p. 49, 2nd last para., line 1: �patient 1025� �patient 1056�.


p. 51, line 6: �� smokes �� �� smokes�.


p. 66, para. 4,

line 2: �CountryCodeCountryCode)�

line 4: �Country(Code)� �Country(Code))�.


p. 68, step 7, line 6: �15� �is�.


p. 73, para. 3, line 2� �space� "space".


p. 74, para. 1, line 1: �identity� identify�.


p. 98, para. 2, line 4: �O� �0�.


p. 99, Hint, last line: �CountryName0� CountryName()�.


p. 107, para. 2, line 2: �circles� �circled�.


p. 112, sec. 5.7, para. 1, line 3: �2.5� �2..5�.


p. 142, para. 1, append: �Note that once you have migrated, subsequent column name changes will be overridden if you say No to migrate those changes. But if you say Yes to migrate those changes, those changes will be respected.�


p. 158, para. 2:

��������� line 1: �Figure 7-32� �Figure 7-34�

��������� line 2: �maps� �map�.


p. 178, para. 4, line 3: �is facility� �facility�.


p. 179, last line: ��Highlight Object� �Highlight �Object�.


p. 205, Figure 10-1: In the annotation column of the Country table scheme, �U1� should appear on the row for the attribute CountryName.


p. 206, para. 2, last line: �the Glossary� �the Logical Model Notation glossary�.


p. 205, last para: Delete last sentence.


p. 233, Table 11-1: Remove all underlines; Change bold type to plain type;

��������� Remove row line above Country_code entry.


p. 235, Note, line 2: �not technically not� �not technically�.


p. 241, Caution: Delete second sentence �Instead, Oracle � key�.


p. 245, line 2: �Server� �Server.�.


p. 249, 2nd last line: �close� �choose�.


p. 251, section 11.5, line 1: �ard �are.


p. 331, Table 16-1: Delete the second row of data (concerning Patient has PhoneNr).


p. 332, table 16-2: Delete the last row of data (concerning PhoneNr).


pp. 335-6, step 4:

Move �Figure 16-4 with the exception of the table name� to the end of step 3, and renumber steps 5, 6, and 7 to 4, 5, and 6.


p. 358, step 5: �make� �making�.


p. 368, Layer example, line 2: �four layers defined above� �four layers defined in Table 17-1�.


p. 369, last para.,

line 1: �Role� �Roles�.

Line 3: �Role� �Roles�.


p. 370,

Figure 17-7 caption: �Assign shapes instances to the Patient Only Layer.� �Assign three shapes to four layers.

Para. 1, line 3: �Layers� �Layer Properties�.


p. 373, 2nd last line: �View� �Insert�.


p. 380, sec. 17.2,

para. 2, last line: �Oops! Time again� �Oops, time again!�;

para. 3, line 2: �present some� �prevent someone�.


p. 389: �Glossary and ORM Notation� �Glossary and Modeling Notations�


p. 395: �ORM Notation� �Modeling Notations�

���� Below this new header, add the sub-header �ORM Notation� in a smaller font.


pp. 398-9, page headers: �ORM Notation� �Logical Model Notation�


p. 414, entry for Database, connection: �313� �245�.


p. 416, entry for Fact Editor: �216-222� �70�.


p. 418, entries for Layers:

���� Delete �270-271.�

���� Delete �constraint type, 192�

���� Delete �fact type, 195�

���� Delete �main menu, 45�

���� Delete �object-role modeling, 46�

���� Delete �object type report, 182-187, 184, 185

���� Delete �patient model, 369t, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373

���� Delete �source stencil, 42�

���� Delete �supertype, 196�

���� Delete �window, search, 41, Visio help, 45�