Errata to
�Halpin, T., Evans, K., Hallock, P., &
MacLean, B. 2003,
Modeling with Microsoft� Visio for
(Morgan Kaufmann:
Last updated: 2004 December 27
symbol ��� means �is replaced by�. Thanks to Scott Baldwin, James Rowland-Jones, Maria
Rutgers, Dan Woodward, and Tim Williams for collectively spotting most of these
errors. If you spot any other errors, please e-mail them to me at [email protected].
Corrections to First Printing
p. iii:
Data Systems� � �Independent Consultant�
�Orthogonal Software Corporation� � �SIMDEX�.
p. ix: �Glossary and ORM Notation� � �Glossary and Modeling Notations�
p. 9, para. 2,
line 3: �in represent� � �in Figure 1-2 represent�.
p. 49, 2nd last
line 1: �patient 1025� � �patient 1056�.
p. 51, line 6: �� smokes
�� � �� smokes�.
p. 66, para. 4,
2: �CountryCode� � �CountryCode)�
4: �Country(Code)� � �Country(Code))�.
p. 68, step 7, line 6:
�15� � �is�.
p. 373, 2nd
last line: �View� � �Insert�.
p. 380, sec. 17.2,
para. 2, last line: �Oops! Time again� � �Oops, time again!�;
para. 3, line 2: �present some� � �prevent someone�.
p. 389: �Glossary and ORM
Notation� � �Glossary and Modeling Notations�
p. 395: �ORM Notation� � �Modeling Notations�
���� Below
this new header, add the sub-header �ORM Notation� in a smaller font.
pp. 398-9, page headers: �ORM Notation� � �Logical Model Notation�
p. 414, entry for
Database, connection: �313� � �245�.
p. 416, entry for Fact
Editor: �216-222� � �70�.
p. 418, entries for Layers:
���� Delete �270-271.�
���� Delete �constraint type, 192�
���� Delete �fact type, 195�
���� Delete �main menu, 45�
���� Delete �object-role modeling, 46�
���� Delete �object type report, 182-187, 184, 185�
���� Delete �patient model, 369t, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373�
���� Delete �source stencil, 42�
���� Delete �supertype, 196�
���� Delete �window, search, 41, Visio help, 45�